Friday, March 07, 2008

Happy Women's Day !!

Women are always beautiful.
~Ville Valo

From within or from without.. beauty has to be a part of women's makeup. A but natural form of beauty that god has created to make this world worth living and to make sprouting of life possible in this wonderful earth .

The name that occured hardly five times in the holy bible.. has given us the societies we live in ... has given us a family which we claim as our own..

It happend long before , in the garden of eden .God came up with a thought that man & his existence is incomplete without a companion.Indeed a wise thought MR.God.


It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him." and in Genesis 2:21–22

"And God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; And the rib, which God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man"
After her creation, Adam names his companion Woman, "because she was taken out of Man

And the story of evolution and birth continues since ever..

Women - the daughter's ,the sister's ,the wife's, the mother's, the grandmother's, and all the other several roles portrayed by women.. just imagine ur life with a single role missing in it .. If a single relation is missing in ur life ,life simply doesnt seem to be that exuberant without some of these roles missing ,.. just imagine once .. . hard to imagine right??

Apart from all the importance that falls on women's part as a gift of nature ...they had to face real bad times ,of which history is evidence..

some women's were burned as sati on the funeral pyre of their husband's and some were burned in thier inlaws houses for dowry and some burned from within that they were treated as slaves in thier own houses ..
the story still continues at some places..
BUT many of the women have now broken their chains .. from autoriKshaw drivers ,to polititians ,to businesswomen , and winning medals n respresenting thier own country at international levels.The women of today is geared up to take any challenge which confronts them ..

some women's which i look upto and really admire are -

ANNE FRANK - HER WRITING'S HAS THE POWER TO SILENCE A MILLION HITLERS .. she was one of the most memorable figure of the world war -II,yeah offcourse beside'S hitler.Her Diary Was The Voice Of The Holocaust,The Diary Reveals Her Unmatchable Gift OF Writing And She Herself Stands As The Flag Of Bravery.. SHE DIED WITH HITLER'S GUN BUT HER DIARY IS A REMARKABLE TESTAMENT TO STRENGTHEN THE HUMAN SPIRIT ,UNDER THE WORST CONDITIONS.


When se was less then two years old she struck with fever that left her unconcious for days n when she got back to her conciousness ,she realised she was blinded ... the fever had gone ,and with it gone all the colours . And soon after ,she also got deaf.

"Sometimes,I stood between two persons who were conversing and touched their lips. I could not understand, and was vexed. I moved my lips and gesticulated frantically without result. This made me so angry at times that I kicked and screamed until I was exhausted" -keller

But she dint lost hopes ... she was hopefull .. she believed .. she believed someday she'll be as normal as everybody else..
she soon discovered that words were related to things! It's like the lyrics of that song: "On a clear day, rise and look around you, and you'll see who you are."

I can say the word see. I can speak the language of the sighted. That's part of the first great achievement of Helen Keller. She proved how language could liberate the blind and the deaf. She wrote, "Literature is my utopia. Here I am not disenfranchised."
she wrote midstream''- describing how she mastered the language,she wrote how she suceeded in communicating in the world of sight and sound .

I admire you !! Bless me with the courage you had !! happy womens day !!


MOTHER TERESA- Needless to utter a word .. When Words Fall Short Silence Speaks It All..

Happy Womens Day to all the womens who ever graced this planet !!

Celebrate womenhood.. Greet everywomen you have in your life ..and thank her for bieng thier and adding value to your life !!
